HPLC determination of Ephedrine in Sanhanjiere granules
LinNi Wanghedong
(Liaoning Institute of Pharmaceutic Industry, Shenyang110015)
Abstract Objecetive:To establish a method for determining the concentration of ephedrine in Sanhanjiere :The sample was extracted with methanol on a was used for the determination of ephedrine in Sanhanjiere chromatographic procedure was carried out using Nucleosil-C18(200mm×,7µm) as an analytical column and a mixture of volume of acetonitrile, volume of water which was contained Sodium dihydrogen phosphate and adjusted the solution by phosphoric acid as mobile detection wavelength was set at : The peaks of ephedrine appeared on about minutes and the resolutions of them were more than linear ranges were between and (r=),with the average recoveries of %(n=5).Conclusion:This method is sensitive,quick and accurate for the measurement of puerarin in Sanhanjiere gr