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北京中医药大学远程教育学院 英语1 第1-5次作业.doc

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北京中医药大学远程教育学院 英语1 第1-5次作业.doc

上传人:zxwziyou8 2018/7/2 文件大小:2.95 MB


北京中医药大学远程教育学院 英语1 第1-5次作业.doc


1. The new law will ______ the workers to get extra pay from panies.

2. Television keeps us informed about ______events and the latest developments in science and politics.

3. Identify the errors in the following sentence:The scientist thinks it necessary that all the inventions of mankind must be used for good.
4. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Unable to settle their disagreement at the meeting, mittee was going to put off the discussion until the next day. 错误:正确答案为:B
next day
5. She missed the plane, ______ driving very fast to the airport.
spite of
6. Identify the errors in the following sentence:John said his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday.
buy - birthday
7. You must make ______ of any opportunities you have of practicing oral English.

8. The atomic weight of helium is ______ that of hydrogen.
four times time heavier four times times heavier than
9. Louis was asked to clean the classroom ______.
her by one hand
10. The offices on the second floor are ______ by a firm

11. Identify the errors in the following sentence:I can’t help to think it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them.
12. Identify the errors in the following sentence:Of the two lectures, the first was by far the best one, partly because the person who delivered it had such a pleasant voice.
13. The airplane arrived one hour behind ______.