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writing zhaifuqin.ppt



文档介绍:Unit14 Freedom Fighters
Teaching goal:
Learn to write an argumentative essay
John Brown
Harriet Tubman
Martin Luther
Nelson Mandela
Read the passage quickly and then answer the following questions.
1. In the 19th century what did women ask for?
→In the 19th century women all over the world started asking for equal rights.
2. When Samuel Butler wrote about the rights of animals and vegetables, What did people think of that?
→At that time people thought that was ridiculous.
Group work :
Discuss the question below:
Should animals have their own rights?
How to write an argumentative essay?
Topic sentence: (state your opinion)
Supporting sentences:
First, ...
Second, ...
What’s more,...
To sum up, ...
You can use the following useful sentences:
There are different opinions among people as to ... Some people suggest that ...
Nowadays, it mon to ...
On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ...
Some hold the view that... While others don’t think so.
For one thing, ... For another...
For example... In addition,...
On the one hand, ... On the other hand,...
Possible version:
As to animals rights, differerent people have different ideas. Some hold the view that animals should have their own rights, while others don’t think so. But I think that animals should have their own rights.
First, just as human beings,they are living things. So they have right to live.
Second, they can provide food and fur for us. Besides, they can help keep the balance of nature. If one species die out, another one that lives on it would also extinct.
In a word, animals are very important to human beings, so they should have their own rights. And all of us should try out best to protect them and treat them as our friends.


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