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Basic knowledge q&a of home gas wall furnace
Is the wall burner a lot of power?
The main consumable parts of the wall hanging furnace are the exhaust fan and circulating water pump, and the other small parts have the electric three-way valve, the main control panel, the temperature probe and so on. The whole machine of the wall hanging furnace is rated by the power of 100 ~ 200W, the power consumption of different brands and models is different, the product nameplate and the instruction manual are examined in detail.
Is it dangerous to use a gas wall at home?
With the modern appearance and function of gas wall hanging furnace in Europe for more than 40 years, the technology is quite mature. All the safety measures of equipment configuration are perfect, and users can use them safely
What are the main parts of the European technology gas wall furnace?
posed of four ponents: bustion system, heat transfer system, circulatory system, control system.
Does the system of wall hanging furnace produce scale?
Under the condition of the guarantee airtight good heating system, heating system for the first time the injected water, certain scale small, does not have risk on the heating system.
Is there a mix of hot water and warm water in the wall hanging oven?
The hot and hot water in the wall furnace and the hot water have their own piping system, which doesn't mix