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文档介绍:The style of architecture in westerns
The style of architecture in
Architecture(建筑) is the art and science of designing buildings and structures(结构) like gates, bridges, and other things that are built. Sometimes, the areas surrounding the building, such as paths and gardens, are included in the design too.
Architecture in ancient Greece (BC800- AC4)
Ancient Greece is the origin of the civilization in west Europe .As the result of the convenient conditions , ancient Greece formed its own spectial architecture style that affect all over the world .
Now the left buildings is Temp, Theater , Arena. The style is mostly harmony, simple , solemn and clear
Architecture in ancient Greece (BC800- AC4)
五大特点: column(环柱式)
of the stereotypes. There are four column: 1. Tao
Doric order, 2. Ionic column, 3. Corinthian column, statue column (柱式的定型。共有四种柱式:1. 陶立克柱式,2. 爱奥尼克柱式,3. 科林斯式柱式,4. 女郎雕像柱式)
3. Sculpture in the round, high relief, low relief and other decorative techniques(圆雕,高浮雕,浅浮雕等装饰手法)
4. Advocating human body(崇尚人体美)
of Architecture and decoration are graven(建筑与装饰均雕刻化)
Parthenon is the main building in the Acropolis(雅典卫城), in order to praise the victory of Athens(雅典) over the Persian invaders(波斯入侵者) built. Parthenon is the largest temple dedicated(专用) to the goddess Athena(女神雅典娜), The original meaning of the Parthenon is Virgin(贞女), is Athena‘s alias(别名). From the looks of view, temple is magnificent , processing of fine detail is also extremely. Therefore, ?the design of the Parthenon represents all the highest level of Greek architecture.