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英雄联盟 LOLppt.ppt

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英雄联盟 LOLppt.ppt

上传人:165456465 2018/7/6 文件大小:7.77 MB


英雄联盟 LOLppt.ppt


League of Legends
What would you do
when you stay at dormitory ?
Watch movies?
Play cards?
But for most of us boys
It may be
puter games
Today we will talk about the game we play
It is petition game
developed by an pany RoitGames
It is designed by
the designers of
What is LOL?
"League of Legends" is an arena multiplayer work Games,designed by American Riot Games, its senior team is made up of strong Dota Allstars - at the core of the characters,and the program, planning staff of the famous pany blizzard,they extend play of Dota platform to work game addition to the rhythm of the game,real-time strategy, team battle of Dota, "hero alliance" has the characteristics of the hero, the automatic matching of battle, such as tree of talent, summoners system, and rune players feel a brand new hero against.
It is just like a war
of two countries
and you will control
a hero to fight
for your country
In each of the game,there will be two teams
to fight,and every team posed of five
People .Every person will choose a hero to
Control .The only goal is to win
This game has so many heroes
that you will never be tired


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