文档介绍:浪漫主义1appeared at the turn of 18th and 19th century rose and grew under the impetus of the industrial and French revolution2prevail in England during 1798 and expressed the ideology and sentiments of the classes and social strata who were discontent and oppose to the development of capitalism4owing to social and political difference spilt into two school escapists: wordsworth Southey Coleridge; active: byron Shelley keats prose was represented by lamb and de quincey the only great novelist walter scott5the romantic period was one of poetical feature spontaneity singularity worship of nature simplicity dominating note of melancholy and the poets outpoured the feelings and emotions
现代主义1flourished between 1910 and early years after WWII 2includes various trends or schools such as imagism expressionism Dadaism stream of consciousness and a departure from the conventional criteria or established values of the Victorian and loneliness are the basic themes 5characteristic modernist wrings :complexity and obscurity the use of symbols allusion irony.
批判现实主义1flourished in forties and early fifties of 19th century2critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint3greatest charles dickens4critical real