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文档介绍:Unit 10 Teaching Speaking
Foreign language Department
Xianyang Teachers’ University
Differences between spoken and written language
. language is spontaneous, written language is well-planned.
spoken English, the sentences are often simple, short, In written language, the sentences are carefully constructed .
3. Spoken language can not be heard again, written language paratively permanent.
What features of spoken English does this paragraph show?
1. plete sentences;
2. Ask for repetition or clarification;
3. Full of fillers, pause, hesitation etc.;
4. Elliptical sentences.
Characteristics of munication
1. The content and the amount of what is said is not specified /stated clearly/ in advance.
2. It ‘s a two-way process between speakers and listeners.
3. There is some response from the receiver.
4. The speaker changes from time to time ( take turns).
5. The verbal message is often panied by a non-verbal message( . facial expression, gestures, body positioning).
6. It allows hesitation and pause.
7. It contains fillers (. “er”, “um”, “uh”).
8. It involves false starts and repetions.
Principles for teaching speaking
1. Balancing accuracy-based with fluency- based practices
2. Contextualising practice
3. Personalising practice
4. Building up confidence
meaningful interactions
6. Helping students develop speaking strategies
7. Making the best of learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students
Conversation techniques
and end a conversation
2. hesitate
3. interrupt others
4. bring others in
5. draw the attention of others
6. keep the conversation going
7. make/assept/refuse invitations
8. ask about likes and dislikes
9. make arrangements
10. ask and give advice and opinions
11. express possibilities and certainties
12. prevent interruption
13. check understanding
14. ask for repetition or clarification
15. avoid silence
16. showing understa


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