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文档介绍:Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Steven Grossman
Treasurer and Receiver-General
Office of the Treasurer
State House, Room 227
Boston, MA 02133
Jay Gonzalez
Executive Office for
Administration and Finance
State House, Room 373
Boston, MA 02133
Martin J. Benison
Office of ptroller
One Ashburton Place, 9th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
November 2011
To: Massachusetts State Government munity
Re: Massachusetts’ Open Checkbook Project
In order to make state spending information accessible to the public, the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, the Office of the Treasurer and the Office of ptroller have been working jointly on the Open Checkbook Project. The first phase of this project will focus on Vendor Payments. The project team is issuing this memo to alert the munity about the project and invite you to review a webcast on November 28 to learn more about the project.
Data to be Displayed – Vendor Payment Information
On November 30, the public will be able to search state spending from three different perspectives – for a specific vendor, for a specific secretariat or department, or for a particular spending category or sub-category. The pages will provide summarized information that the public will be able to explore for further detail, going down to the payment line level. There will also be an advanced search feature to let users specify the data to display or download, including the department, contract number, funding source, vendor’s city or town, etc.
At this point of the project, not all state payments will be displayed. A subset of object codes will be withheld because they may contain protected information. Those will be reviewed and included in later releases in either full or redacted detail. In addition, the amounts displayed will be the full payment value, prior to any discounts, intercepts or other reductions. If you have a question about a payment, we encourage you to use the tools available via VendorWeb


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