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Tower Crane
Boom mounted on the upper part of the rotation of the tall tower crane. Operating a large space, mainly used for housing construction materials in the vertical and horizontal transportation and installation of ponents. From the metal structure, working bodies and the electrical system consists of three parts. Metal structure including the tower moving arms and base and so on. The work anizations including lifting,luffing, slewing and walking four parts. Electrical systems including motors, controllers, power distribution s, connection lines, signals and lighting devices.
Short tower crane tower crane, also known as tower crane, originated in Western Europe. According to records, the first tower crane used in construction related to the patent granted in 1900. Emerged in 1905 with a fixed jib tower crane, and in 1923 produced the prototype of modern tower crane, in the same year the first plete modern tower crane. 1930, when Germany began mass production of tower cranes, and used for building construction. In 1941, the tower crane industry standard DIN8770 published in Germany. The standard provides for crane set (t) and amplitude (m) of the product (tm) together to re-torque, said the tower crane lifting capacity.
China tower crane industry in the 20th century, 50 years started, as opposed to the Western European countries due to weakness in the construction industry caused by the tower crane industry in recession, Shanghai Poch Drive System Co., Ltd. tower crane industry in China is in a rapid period of development .
From the tower crane in terms of technological development, while an endless stream of new products, new products in the production efficiency, easy operation, and maintenance easier and more reliable operation in the increase in the tower crane, but there is no fundamental change in the technology. The tower crane research is towards modular development. The so-called modular, that is, to the tower structure as


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