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29.--- Where is your father? --- Oh, __________ .
he does e
es es
, _________ .
the es is the ing
the bus the bus ing
, I would have phoned you.
I knew it I known it I know it I know it
in the river yesterday, the boy _________ .
Mr Black not; would not be drowned Mr Black ; would be drowned
Mr Black not been; would have been drowned
't Mr Black been; would have drowned
33.--- It was cold yesterday.--- __________ . Which of the following is wrong?
it was is it today was it the day before it did
34.--- She's passed the entrance examination. --- ____ .
am I have I I have I have
that he found it difficult to stop at the red light.
fast he was driving fast he drove fast was he fast drive he
___________ the railway station when the train started.
reach I reached reached .I had reached
sooner _________ asleep than she heard a knock at the door.
had fallen she fallen
had fell she fell
after his death __________ considered correct.
his theory theory was
his theory his theory
his appearance that no one could recognize him.
was strange so strange
strange was so was
about her illness and still worked very hard.
knows little did she know
does she know didn't know something
when the line was fixed _________ from floating away from the spaceship.
he keep could keep could be kept he be kept
, she wanted to buy her husband a Christmas gift.
she was short of money money is short
was short of money of money as she was
about the universe up t