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文档介绍:初三语文一`本讲教学内容5263(Third grade Chinese language teaching content 5263)
12, energy-saving, white square regret later reading -- Yan Zhenqing
Third grade Chinese
First, the teaching content of this lecture
1. Chinese general review "modern" text reading"
Introduction and training of reading knowledge (three) (four)
2. cell test
Two, specific content
(1) introduction and training of reading knowledge (three)
Understanding the meaning and function of words in context by means of reference books
In order to correctly understand and understand the meaning of words and their functions, the use of reference books is a very important and necessary means in addition to making use of the off the shelf annotations in textbooks
This is a basic skill to train the ability to read
1. understand the basic meaning, extended meaning and
figurative meaning of words
When a word has multiple senses, the most basic, the most primitive, the monly used meaning is called the basic meaning (also known as the original meaning), and the other senses are transferred
Transferred meaning includes extended meaning and figurative meaning
The extended meaning is the meaning formed by the deduction of the basic meaning, and the figurative meaning is the word meaning gradually fixed with the original meaning
For example, "anxious" is the original meaning of "anxiety", and "breathless" "anxious" is