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翻译第四章:一举三得的真题同源段落翻译练习 翻译第一段:.doc

上传人:qsrkmc24 2018/7/10 文件大小:943 KB


翻译第四章:一举三得的真题同源段落翻译练习 翻译第一段:.doc



来源:(今日美国) 字数:146 类别:心理学
Having more friends at 20, but fewer and deeper relationships at 30 may just increase
well-being later in life and may just help folks live longer, according to researchers from the University of Rochester.
"We found that people who had more frequent social activity when they were 20 years old in college were better off when they were at age 50 in that they were more socially integrated," said Cheryl Carmichael. They had better quality friendships and they were better psychologically adjusted in that they were less lonely, less depressed and had this sort of higher psychological well-being.
The study published earlier this year in Psychology and Aging shows that frequent social interactions — grabbing coffee with friends, going to a party or being able to work with a challenging co-worker — develop social "tactics" that help individuals adjust and cope with situations later in life.
翻译第二段: 来源:(今日心理学)
字数:144 类别:心理学
Do opposites really attract? Despite what you may have grown up hearing, studies may
reflect the opposite—interestingly, especially when es to looks. According to a research, we are attracted to people who resemble our parents or ourselves. In one study, subjects were shown pictures of strangers which were preceded by a short glimpse of either their own opposite-sex parent or a stranger. Subjects exposed to a short glimpse of their parent before being exposed to the target picture


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