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上传人:miaoshen1985 2018/7/11 文件大小:519 KB




关键词:最优控制; 控制规律; 最优性能指标; 线性二次型
The optimal control, also called dynamic optimization or infinite dimension, optimization of modern control theory, the most basic part of the core. It is the center of the research question: how to control system based on the dynamic characteristics, to choose, can control system according to certain technical requirements, and makes the operation performance of the system or the quality of describing a "index" in certain significance to achieve optimal value. The optimal control problem has four points for dynamic systems, controlled, The initial and terminal conditions (state) and, Performance index and allow control.
A typical of optimal control problem is described as follows: the state equation and initial conditions are given, and given the objective function. Then a feasible method for the control system of the output state transition to the target state and optimum performance. The optimal performance index and quality in the specific conditions of the optimal value is functional form. Therefore solution of optimal control problem is due to the constraint condition of functional, belongs to the category of variational learning. The variational method, the maximum principle (minimum principle) and dynamic planning is the optimal control theory, the basic contents and methods. The Pontryagin maximum principle, Behrman dynamic programming and Kaman linear quadratic optimal control is obtained in the constraint condition of the optimal solution of


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