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Sales Agency Agreement
This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on …… 2004 in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to promote sell its' memberships on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:
1. Contracting Parties
Party A: Beijing BidLink Info-Tech Co., Ltd. (operator of )
Add: 4/F Ruibao Building, 18 Xinxi Road, Shangdi Information Industry Base, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085, .
TEL: 0086-10-82781593 FAX: 0086-10-62965060
Party B: Donald LaBelle Associates (operator of )
Address: Donald LaBelle Associates, 290 Turnpike Road, Suite # 160, Westboro, MA 01581
TEL: (+001) 508-476-2465 FAX: (508) 519-3086
2. Appointment & Territory
Party A hereby appoints Party B to act as his agent to sell the memberships of the world, and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment.
3. Responsibilities of Party A
a) Party A shall update, maintenance ensure its normal operation, as well as the column co-built with Party B.
b) Party A remains the copyright for the information of . It is strictly prohibited for Party B to disclose or sell to the third part for business purpose.
Party A shall provide the Party B’s prospects with the needed code to access their 10-day free trial to browse
Party A has the rights to recognize the prospect owning in accordance with the


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