(杜陈胜 2010届公共事业管理专业本科生)
摘要:本文通过对现有的文献资料的收集整理和分析,结合中外学者对社区志愿服务的研究,以和谐社区社会理论为切入点,深入社区走访调研,以实证研究为基础,展现社区志愿服务的概况,立足于现状,探讨社区志愿服务对构建和谐社会的重要意义, ,分析目前我国社区志愿服务中存在的问题,并针对我国社区志愿服务目前存在的相应问题提出切实可行的对策,在建立健全社区志愿服务体系可持续发展的长效机制上进行积极探索和思考,力促在建设和谐社会新的新形势下,通过有效地开展社区志愿服务,以促使其向规范化、法制化、制度化、经常化的可持续发展。在社会实践的基础上构建一支专业化的志愿者队伍,有效推进社区志愿服务的深化发展,促进和谐社区建设。
关键词:和谐社区建设;社区志愿服务; 专业化; 可持续发展
munity service of sustainable development path analysis
(Du Chensheng, Graduates of public administration,2010)
Abstract:Based on the existing literature and analysis of collected data, combined with Chinese and foreign scholars study munity volunteer service to a munity social theory as a starting point into munity visited the research, the basis of empirical research to show the profile munity volunteer service , based on the current situation munity volunteer service to the importance of building a harmonious society, analysis of the current voluntary service in munity problems, munity volunteer services for our existing corresponding practical measures put forward in establishing and munity volunteers service system on long-term mechanism for sustainable development, active exploration and thinking, urging the new building a harmonious society in the new situation, through the effective development munity volunteer services, to promote it to the standardization, legalization, institutionalization, often oriented sustainable development. The basis of practice in munity build a professional volunteers, effective munity service to promote the deepening of the development, promotion of munity building.
Keywords:munity building ; community voluntary service ; specialization ; sustainable development