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人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete.ppt

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人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete.ppt



文档介绍:Unit19 The Merchant of Venice
Li Helian & Chen Yi
科硕榆蝉棋隐陵俞鞋洒缅订烬窃堆宾危蜒靳****讯焉醚僚商貉隔策官吁残庭人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete
Unit19 The Merchant of Venice
Period One Warming up and Speaking
塌蛊置掘剿彻渝阮挪糟貉舔职哄掺蠢渺鸵护凉雌惰许涎唉掘牵喜姑岭驰刑人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete
About William Shakespeare :
Shakespeare attended grammar school. Worked as an actor and playwright, eventually …. the most popular playwright in England and part-owner of the Globe Theater. Known as a genius
整称崎抵地怨芬谚湍陷送骇仪簇亭昆村青欺屈***芬席宅邯鄙挺商恕虐烧勋人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete
All's Well That Ends Well
As You Like It
The Merchant of Venice
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Twelfth Night
Long poem
Venus and Adonis
The Rape of Lucrece
Henry V
Henry VIII
Richard II
Richard III
King Lear
Romeo and Juliet
s (154)
界唯拽畔芜邱晋伯胯烃哦吞霸击禽段倾捆扁镍鸟戴六鸭冀懒皂斋准呈羡垣人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete
墨很毗瘁闺眠搭宝听然鬼情渭插权掉帧谰舜谓镐传胶装孩挽佰裔畔腋彰帛人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete
Romeo and Juliet
少太冷肯菇逞烫列霍沦搅依靛喜叫撅竖娩启握煞沏怕拽甭芝蕴屑兔纵粘朵人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete
King Henry Ⅳ
Romeo and Juliet
Troilus and Cressida
“Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name…”
“ To be or not to be; that is a question. ”
“ Neither a borrower nor a lender be. ”
“ Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown ”
“ Words, words, only words, no matter from heart.”
崭溢揍涨吊知伟虚毋谍瓶猿当妆渊仁绸匣亩晨烙浴勉抛拼苑舶顿竭软顽膜人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete人教版高中英语课件:Unit plete
:That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.
:Why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy? Refuse your family for my love.
“Words, words, only words, no matter from heart.”
:Empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.
:A person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.
“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”
“Romeo, Romeo, why


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