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上传人:wz_198613 2018/7/15 文件大小:748 KB





文档介绍:南京邮电大学硕士研究生学位论文 ABSTRACT
With the development of , network services put forward higher requirements on ’s capability of transmitting messages. So, how to transmit information efficiently es an important research in which the routing plays a key role. However, a new possibility of selecting the routing using Bionic Algorithm e into existence with the development of the Bionic Algorithm. Trying to find a new method of routing selection, this thesis studies the integration of MMTD (measure of medium truth degree) and the Bionic Algorithm.
In this paper, what is first presented is the introduction of routing, the basic concept of MMTD and its present research, then follows information of the generation, development and the core operation steps of ic Algorithm. After that, a fusion algorithm of MMTD and GA is presented. By calculating the fitness of each individual using MMTD and by manipulating greedy insert operation, the efficiency of the fusion algorithm is improved meanwhile the algorithm into a local optimum prematurely is avoided so that the fusion algorithm could play a better role in solving routing.
In addition, the related concepts and operation steps of the Ant Colony Optimization are showed. Furthermore, a fusion algorithm integrating MMTD with ACO is designed. The possibility of finding the optimal solution es bigger because the transfer probability function of ACO is found through MMTD. So as to be more persuasive and accurate, the possibility is also expounded and proved.
Experiments are designed and programs are operated in order to verify the functions and properties of the improved GA in solving routing. The results show that, compared with the standard GA, the fusion algorithm has a better effect.
The aim of this paper is the evaluation of the core steps of Bionic Algorithm taking MMTD for means. All these jobs serve for a same purpose: finding a better method in solving routing.
Keywords: Routing, MMTD, GA, ACO


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