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上传人:wz_198613 2018/7/15 文件大小:2.18 MB




Since 2005, when the fifth plenary session of the mittee of 16th NCCPC put forwarded the historical tasks of building the new socialist countryside, our coutry has invested a lot of manpower and material resources and financial resources on the the village construction. As a result, the villages’ appearance has been greatly improved, and the farmers’ living and production conditions has been further improved. But for the mountainous countryside settlements, its construction level is very backward. There are still a lot of problems, such as scattered spatial layout, backward infrastructure, unpractical public service facilities and the city style farmhouse, etc.
In order to solve these problems, this paper discusses how to guide the construction and development of the mountainous countryside settlements through scientific planning and design. Based on the actual situation of the mountainous countryside settlements in Guangyuan, the paper puts forward the main task, content and core ideas of the planning and design, through summarizing the theory research of village planning and the practice experience about village construction from both home and abroad. On this basis, the paper explores the planning and design methods of the mountainous
countryside settlements’ overall layout, roads, infrastructures, public service facilities,
farmhouses and so on. Hope to provide a theoretical basis for the mountainous countryside settlements planning and design in Guangyuan and even the whole country.
Keywords: Mountainous areas; Countryside settlements; Planning and design; Guan Yuan
目 录
1 绪论.............................................................................................................................1


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