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文档介绍:,只希望你以后的女人一个不如一个。真怀念小时候啊,天热的时候我也可以像男人一样光膀子! 本文由bigpanda20088贡献
随着“信息时代”的到来,作为获取信息的手段——传感器技术得到了显著的进步, 其应用领域越来越广泛,对其要求越来越高,需求越来越迫切。传感器技术已成为衡量一个的重要标志之一。因此,了解并掌握各类传感器的基本结构、工作原理及特性是非常重要的。为了提高对传感器的认识和了解,尤其是对烟雾传感器的深入研究以及其用法与用途,基于实用、广泛和典型的原则而设计了本系统。本文利用单片机结合传感器技术而开发设计了这一烟雾监控系统。本论文以电阻式烟雾传感器和单片机技术为核心并与其他电子技术相结合, 设计出一种技术水平较好的烟雾报警器。其中选用 MQ-2 型半导体可燃气体敏感元件烟雾传感器实现烟雾的检测,具有灵敏度高、响应快、抗干扰能力强等优点,而且价格低廉,使用寿命长。选用的 STC12C5410AD 单片机,其整合了 A/D 转换、硬件乘法器、硬件脉宽调制器等资源,具有高速、低功耗、超强抗干扰等优点, 是目前同类技术中性价比较高的产品。以 STC12C5410AD 单片机和 MQ-2 型半导体电阻式烟雾传感器为核心设计的烟雾报警器可实现声光报警、故障自诊断、浓度显示、报警限设置、延时报警及与上位机串口通信等功能。是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方便、价格低廉、智能化的烟雾报警器。具有一定的实用价值。关键词:烟雾,报警器,STC12C5410,传感器关键词
Abstract: While “information age” the arrival, obtained the remarkable progress as the gain information method - - sensor technology, its application domain is more and more widespread, is more and more high to its request, the demand is more and more sensor technology has e weighs one of national science and technology level of development important , understood and grasps each kind of sensor the basic structure, the principle of work and the characteristic is extremely important. In order to enhance to the sensor understanding and the understanding, in particular to the smog sensor thorough research as well as its usage and the use, based on practical, widespread and the model principle has designed this article used the monolithic integrated circuit union sensor technology to develop has designed this smog supervisory system.。 The present paper take leaves the minor smog sensor and the monolithic integrated circuit technology unifies as the core and with other electronic technology, designs one kind of technical level good smog alarm which selects the 2M007 semiconductor resistance type smog sensor realization smog the examination, has the sensitivity high, responds, the antijamming ability qui


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