i taught mr. che ku automation principles, where he left me with a deep impression of his intellect, devotion and passion for the subject. i enjoyed many interactions with him, not only as one of my students, but also as the representative in charge of studies for his class. mr. fang demonstrated a sound understanding of mechatronics, grasping the gist of ideas quickly, and adeptly applying them in real situation.
the issue of de-listing in the chinese stock market was a popular subject for graduation theses. but miss zheng juan took an entirely original angle by undertaking a parative analysis of international de-listing mechanisms. through sedulous study of the foreign stock exchanges, she established a model system for de-listing in the chinese stock market, supporting it with first-rate qualitative and quantitative analysis as well as sophisticated regression models. her exceptional gift for mathematics was evident in this section of the thesis. miss zheng’s paper was ably researched, and her excellent english had enabled her to make full use of a wide range of english-language sources. the mittee was greatly impressed, and awarded her the highest grade.
his talents for writing intelligent and informative economic literature paid off when several of his articles were published in leading economic magazines of the country. this was an outstanding achievement for such a young student and it emphasized to me that his potential to e petent and leading economist was greater than i first thought.
based on his petence and his natural curiosity, i asked him to join my research group as my assistant. mr. xu xin is a very responsible person, and is very devoted to the science he is studying. the diligence and care with which he performs his work is matched by his enthusiasm. although at first his technical skills needed some improvement, he very quickly mastered the skills he needed to conduct
the research thoroughly and meticulously. now he can man