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文档介绍:Learning a Foreign Language
Unit 1, Book 1
观眠治稚什库币揩堆歧搅彻狞芥衫便颗魄锈氛桶望帆裁偷戒匈唆亩叠抖芯新视野大学英语Learning a Foreign Language Unit 1,Book 1新视野大学英语Learning a Foreign Language Unit 1,Book 1
English Proverbs --Tasks
By studying the old one learns something new.
(New words Textbook)
Well begun is half done. (Warming up CAI)
Two heads are better than one.  ( Q&A Textbook ) 
Where there is a will, there is a way. (UnderstandingCAI)
Many hands make light work. (Key Points Textbook)
Practice makes perfect.(Useful expressions Ss:Blackboard)
Strike while the iron is hot.  (Focus Study CAI)
No cross, no crown.  (Words and expressions CAI)
All is well that ends well.  (Structure & Summary CAI)
No pains, no gains. (Assignment)
多驾贮继舰安拳城渣灼熬与肃迂瞥佬救醒腥篱则侩茄慌靛巢古硷涎只炽原新视野大学英语Learning a Foreign Language Unit 1,Book 1新视野大学英语Learning a Foreign Language Unit 1,Book 1
the following questions
1 Because his teacher was kind, patient, and used a positive method of praising students. (Para 2)
2 His senior middle school teacher was not as kind as his junior middle school teacher. His senior middle school teacher would punish students for making mistakes. As a result, he did not want to speak English in class and he improved very little. (Para 3)
3 The differences were that he didn’t have as many opportunities to ask questions in college and that other students intimidated(frighten) him. (Para 4)
刃谐贾韧频沫诈副肯令吹糊袋图卢舜止法台沧第龋影葬缄迂酣捌癸沉丫笆新视野大学英语Learning a Foreign Language Unit 1,Book 1新视野大学英语Learning a Foreign Language Unit 1,Book 1
4 puter, a phone line, and a modem. (Para 5)
5 He practised, carried a dictionary, and wrote down new words in a notebook. (Para 7)
6 Because he could take more time to think more about his answers before posting them on screen. (Para 7)
7 Learning a foreign language taught him the value of hard work. In addition, it taught him about another culture, opened his mind to new ways doing things, and allowed him municate with more people. (Para 8)
8 He likes making new friend