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l12 the kindness of strangers.ppt

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l12 the kindness of strangers.ppt



文档介绍:The Kindness of Strangers
Lesson 12 Text A
By Mike Mclntyre
Background information: Reader's Digest
The text is adapted from the original article by Mike Mclntyre which appeared in Reader’s Digest.
Reader's Digest is a monthly general-interest family magazine founded in 1922. It is said Reader's Digest is the best-selling consumer magazine in the USA, and the largest paid circulation magazine in the world.
Reader's Digest
Authentic reading material for you!
Online magazine: /
Background information: Reader's Digest
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate Strait, the opening of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean.
Background information: Golden Gate Bridge
The second longest suspension bridge in the world
Background information: Cape Fear
Cape Fear is a cape at the mouth of the Fear River in southeastern North Carolina, where geographical location always creates strong currents and shifting sand bars(河口沙洲,沙洲) as well as fears among all navigators.
In spite of the general moral decay, people could still depend on the kindness of strangers in the United States.
Writing Skills
Writing skills:
The story develops in the order of the happening of the events and the changes of places.
Hitchhike这个词源于美国,最早出现在大约1923年,表示(向过往的汽车或卡车里的陌生人)求得免费搭乘。 hitch的本义是“系在一起”,特指临时性的动作,比如我们可以把马车套在马身上。hike表示步行或行军,特指精力蓬勃的远足。 远足多数是为了游乐,但如果要走很远的路去某地的话,走路本身的疲劳会使人沮丧。因此,可能这种请求搭便车的行为在轮子发明后就多了起来。但直到二十世纪二十年代,hitchhike这种诙谐的说法才正式形成,表示通过将自己临时“系”在路过的车子上,以解除徒步旅行的“痛苦”。 作为hitchhike的名词形式,hitchhiker除了表示“搭便车的人”外,还可指“插播的短篇广告”。 Yesterday, I hitchhiked my way to a small village several miles away from London. 昨天,我一路搭乘便车去离伦敦几英里外的一个小镇。 (中国日报网站译)
come upon/on (P1, L2)
In the middle of the desert, I came upon a young man standing by the roadside.
meet or find sb./sth. by chance or by accident 偶然遇见或发现某人/某事物:
I came upon a group of children