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文档介绍:武汉科技大学硕士学位论文第 II 页
Now our country is in the crucial time of political reform and economical switching, and
also the time of worldwide economy and the high speed development of informationization. The
status of information management and the information publicize in the public crisis management
e more and more important. The good information public system can effective solve the
crisis, reduce the loss. Simultaneously government's transparence of public administration is the
premise of construction for the munity.
China's management of public crises, which from forecast and preparation before the crises,
response and processing to the restores with reconstructs, many problems pletely
exposed when crises occurred. This article proposed target-oriented and the original solution
from analysis all kinds of problems which now existed in our country’s information disclosure
system. First proposed gradient strategy and Information public balanced based on public's
values and emotion factors, which should disclosure gradually all crisis fact and the detail
according to the crisis situation and the progress. This gradient rule indication for from the
high-level personnel to the basic unit personnel, from the official to the expert, from the
macroscopic stratification plane to the microscopic stratification plane, from the policy
stratification plane to the technical stratification plane. And then analysis the establishment of
data collection and exchanges based on the construction of public crisis data base and
e-government platform. So that the government can analysis crisis from builds data collection,
classified as well as establishment of data, and when the public crisis occurs, assigns out the
related information rapidly, makes the decision decisively. Simultaneously the public can gain
information of public crisis through platform, and establish the effective information
communication mechanism.
The thesis pos


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