Nursing experience on testis or epididymis percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration ZHAO Xue-yan, LIN Xiao-min, ZHANG Li-na. Reproductive Center, Zhuhai Maternal and Child Health Care, Zhuhai 519000, China
【Abstract】 Objective To improve medical cooperation of testis or epididymis percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration, reduce the occurrence of plications and patient’s mental stress and pain, let more azoospermia patients be treated safely. Methods From 2012 to 2013, selected 118 cases of azoospermia patients treated in our center for testis or epididymis percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration, under a microscope to find the sperm. Results All 99 patients got sperm from testis or epididymis, 99 patients were performed follicle intracytoplasmic sperm injection 112 cycles, 80 patients for embryo transfer, 55 patients got pregnancy. Conclusion Effective nursing and active cooperation can improve the ess rate of surgery.
【Key words】 Testis or epididymis percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration; Male infertility; Azoospermia; Nursing experience在中国传统文化中, 生育关系到人类的繁衍生息, 是传宗接代至关重要的问题, 在诊断为不孕症后, 尤其当男性知道不育的原因来自自身时, 会产生严重的心理压力, 难以接受, 顿时失去了男人的自尊, 加上睾丸是男性最私密最敏感的部位, 由此背上了沉重的心理负担。其主要心理表现为:内疚、敏感、夫妻关系紧张、抑郁[1]。世界卫生组织规定, 夫妻不采取避孕措施而又有正常的性生活1年以上, 由于男方因素造成女方不孕者, 称为男性不育。大约15%的育龄夫妇存在不育问题, 其中约20%的原因是由于单一的男方因素, 30%与夫妻双方有关, 故可认为大约50%的不育因素涉及男性