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文档介绍:Talent Management – from Employee Attitude to Retention Approach 人才管理:员工的态度与留住人才的方式
Peter Cappelli
Professor and Director 教授及主任
Center for Human Resources 人力资源中心
The Wharton School 沃顿商学院
Is There Something Really Different About Jobs Now? 现在的工作真的有所不同吗?
Yes. The notion of a secure, long-term career is harder to imagine. 是的,一份安全、长期的工作的概念职业更加难以想象。
During the economic “boom” 49% still had downsizing 即便在经济繁荣期,依然有49%的企业在缩小规模。
AMA survey – 63 percent cutting in one division and expanding in another 美国管理学会调查-63%的企业在边减边扩
Economy turns fast –经济转变迅速
Employers expecting to hire 19% more college grads in Spring 2001 than in 2000. 2001年春季,雇主们计划比上年多招19%的大学毕业生。
By Sept 2001, expecting to hire 20% fewer grads. 到2001年秋季,他们却计划减少20%。
It’s The New Deal at Work 工作中的新状况
The End of mitments
But Workers are not all Temps, Either! 但员工并不都是临时的
It’s an Open-Ended Arrangement, negotiated and based on the outside market 这种安排是开放的、可协商的、以外部市场为基础的
Why does that matter? 为什么很重要?
Is This Really New? 真是新事物吗?
That Depends on How Old You Are
The Short History of Lifetime Employment
Why We Moved Toward Careers panies 我们为什么把事业转移到公司里?
It Wasn’t Always So Great. Remember anizational Man? 情况并不总是很好。记得“组织人”吗?
What Caused the Change? 改变的原因
Institutional Ownership and Shareholder Value: The Scott Paper Case
Pressures from Markets: Speed and Variety 市场的压力:速度与变化
The Third Wave of Corporate Restructuring 公司重组的第3次浪潮
New Management Techniques: Bringing the Market Inside the Firm 新的管理技巧:将市场引入公司内部
Effects on Employee Management 对员工管理的影响
Employee Tenure: 员工任期
Down with employer: Up with occupation 随雇主变短:随职业变长
Dismissals quicker 解雇更迅速
Training: Not rising 培训:没有增长
Wages: Returns to seniority falling 工资:年资上的回报下降
The Big Management Challenges 管理大挑战
Retention, Training Investments, Commitment 留用、培训上的投资、承诺
How About Demographics? 人口统计学的状况如何?
Are There Shortages of Skills? 有否技能短缺?
Or is the problem plex? 或者这个问题更复杂?
How About Technical and IT Skills? 技术与IT技能
The “Cob