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文档介绍:A Discursive Perspective on the Construction of an Environmental Acquis in the EU and ASEAN
Yoichiro Usui (******@)
Niigata Univ. of Intl. & Info. Studies
PAPER submitted to:
The 2007 UACES Research Conference: Exchanging Ideas on Europe, held at the University of Portsmouth, 3-5 September 2007. Panel 4: Environmental Policies.
* This paper is a modified, upgraded version that was originally prepared for the 2006 International Conference of the CREP (parative Regionalism Project), organised by the Institute of Social Sciences (the University of Tokyo, Japan), held at the University of Tokyo, September 2006.
The pares the environmental governance of the EU with that of ASEAN. The main purpose of parison is to find a theoretical viewpoint for examining the evolutionary processes of regional environmental governance, the establishment of which can be said to be one of evolving paths of regionalism. To this end, the paper examines the ways in which an environmental acquis is constructed. Two embryonic environmental governance systems before the breakthrough of fully-fledged region-building projects are explored: the EEC before the SEA of 1987 and ASEAN before the Hanoi Plan of Action of 1998. The paper draws attention to a historical institutionalist reading of these evolutionary processes, referring to the concepts of path dependency and unexpected consequences. Based on these considerations, the paper reconsiders this historical institutionalist reading from a discursive perspective, suggesting two further theoretical topics: the resilience of an acquis politique and the sources of normative prising the acquis. In concluding remarks, the paper submits that, the evolution of an acquis politique occurred in both governance systems of the EU and ASEAN, and the resilience of the acquis depended, to some degree, on the external sources, such as the UN system, of normative prising the acquis.


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