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文档介绍:Find your 'Millionaire Code,' then your new career
Yes, you can increase your earning power. Definitely live a happier, healthier, less stressful life. How? Change careers.
In 'The Millionaire Mind,' Thomas Stanley says 'Millionaires who have a high creative intelligence often make one very important career decision correctly: They select a vocation that provides them with enormous profits, and very often this same vocation is the one they love. Remember, if you love what you are doing, your productivity will be high and your specific form of creative genius will emerge.'
Stanley's message cuts both ways: 'As most millionaires report, stress is a direct result of devoting a lot of effort to a task that's not in line with one's abilities. It's more difficult, more demanding mentally and physically, to work at a vocation that's unsuitable to your aptitude.'
Here's your first step, a brief test from my 'Millionaire Code,' modified from Carl Jung's personality types and the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types.
Take this simple four-part test and find your four-letter 'Millionaire Code.' Then you can follow the links to all sixteen the Myers Briggs and discover some details on new career options that fit you.
The test may look like one you took years ago. But things change, so keep an open mind, open to big changes. You wouldn't be the first financial type who left a bank to e a