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2018 届双鸭山市一中高三12月月考英语试题及答案.doc

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2018 届双鸭山市一中高三12月月考英语试题及答案.doc

上传人:miao19720107 2018/8/11 文件大小:291 KB


2018 届双鸭山市一中高三12月月考英语试题及答案.doc



1. When will the concert begin?
A. At 5:45. B. At 6:40. C. At 6:00.
2. How does the woman like her coffee?
A. With sugar and milk. B. With milk only. C. With sugar only.
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
A. Sunny B. Cloudy C. Rainy
4. For which subject is Emily fully prepared?
A. Maths. B. English. C. Physics.
5. What did the woman buy for her mother?
A. A necklace. B. A coat. C. Earrings.
6. Where will the woman go for her holiday?
A. Dalian. B. Lijiang. C. Dali.
7. How will the woman go travelling?
A. By train. B. By air. C. By car
8. Why does the woman need her book back?
A. She doesn’t trust Lily. B. She needs it to look for some information. C. She is angry with Lily.
9. What will the woman probably do?
A. Apologize to Lily. B. Ask for the book back. C. Give the book to Lily.
10. Why does the man refuse to go shopping?
A. He is busy with his work. B. He has nothing to buy. C. It’s too hot outside.
11. What does the woman want to buy?
A. A T-shirt and a pair of sunglasses. B. A T-shirt and a dress. C. A dress and a pair of sunglasses.
12. What will the man do next week?
A. Go to a birthday party. B. Go on a business trip. C. Go to summer camp.
13. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A. A wonderful restaurant. B. The birthday cake. C. Their mother’s birthday party.
14. When will the birthday cake be ready?
A. In two weeks. B. In one week. C. Tomorrow.
15. What gift will the man give his mother?
A. Some flowers. B. A hand-made card. photo album.
16. What can we learn about the restaurant?
A. The speakers’ wedding ceremony was held there.
B. It will take charge of everything but the birthday cake.
C. It is expensive but worth the money.
17. How long did the construction of the Hong Kong Space Muse