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文档介绍:Lesson 5 Planning a trip
Think about it
Do you like to make plans for a trip? Why or why not?
Is there an interesting place in your town or city? What is it?
What dose Li Ming change in the plan?
Friday n. 星期五 Thursday n. 星期四
whole adj. 整个的 interesting adj. 有趣的
place n. 地方;地点;位置 change v. 改变
Sunday n. 星期日 shop n. 商店
Monday n. 星期一 Tuesday n. 星期二
Wednesday n. 星期三 museum n. 博物馆
nest n. (鸟的)窝,巢 the Bird’s Nest 鸟巢
Saturday n. 星期六 week n. 周,星期
Read the new words
Danny and Jenny arrive in Shijiazhuang on Friday,
January 29th. They stay with Li Ming’family for two days.
L: I made a plan for our trip to Beijing. What do you think of it?
D: It’s OK, but I want to go to the Great Wall, too.
J: Yes. I want to go to the Great Wall, too.
L: How about Thursday? We don’t need the whole day to write home.
D: I can write to my parents on Thursday evening. I want them to know about the interesting places in Beijing.
D: That’s great!
L: OK. Let’s change the plan for Thursday.
Plans of our trip
Sunday Danny and Jenny shop in Shijiazhuang.
Monday We leave Shijiazhuang and arrive in Beijing.
Tuesday We go to Tian’anmen Square.
Wednesday We go to the Palace Museum.
Thursday We write home. We go to the Great Wall.
Friday We go to the Bird’s Nest and go shopping.
Saturday Jenny and Danny leave China and go back to Canada.
leave Canada
at 6:15 in the evening on January 28
arrive in Shijiazhuang
at 6:00 in the evening on Friday, January 29
stay with Li Ming’s family
for two days
leave for Beijing
on February 1st in the morning
go to Beijing
by train
arrive in Beijing
on February 1st in the afternoon
Read the text and fill in the blanks
Talk in groups
We have a week for our trip to Beijing.
Here’s what we want to do. What do you
want to do in Beijing?
(2)plan 也可以作动词。计划做某事可译为“plan to do sth.”。例如:
We must plan for the future. 我们必须为未来做好计划。
He is planning to go to college. 他计划上大学。
I plan to go to Shijiazhuang tomorrow.