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关键词:手机网上购物 JSP
With the development and popularization of the , mobile has gradually e an indispensable part of people's life, and even have the saying of the bow family. With the 4G era is approaching, the mobile phone industry will usher in its second wave of innovation. The mobile phone is the mon product in the modern munication equipment, and is developing more and more functions. Future multimedia mobile phone is a new world of mobile entertainment, mobile video. Multi style mobile phone is constantly emerging, also meet the different age groups of consumer groups. With the development of technology munication technology, the is ing more and more popular with its high efficiency, richness and security. Online shopping fast and convenient, low price advantage, quickly e a new fashion shopping, and as the era of e a necessary quality of life of the mobile phone, with the market continues to heat up, Xun also adapted to the on-line shopping is a kind of transaction mode.
Through the analysis of the current situation of the development of the online shopping system at home and abroad, a use of JSP technology development shop online phone system scheme to achieve a fully functional, low cost, strong versatility, suitable for the demands of the market for shopping website system. Based on the bination of JSP and JavaBean technology, design and implementation of online shopping system, with plete background, background management functions, to meet the needs of many online mobile phone shop.
Key words: mobile phone online shop


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