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PMBoK Guide 4th Edition 2008.pdf

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PMBoK Guide 4th Edition 2008.pdf


文档介绍:Chapter 1 Introduction
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) is the recognized
standard for the project management profession. As with other professions such as law, medicine,
and accounting, the knowledge contained in this standard evolved from the good practices of
project management practitioners who have contributed to the development of this standard. The
complete Project Management Body of Knowledge is a collection of recognized good practices
that are widely applied by project management professionals and practitioners for the essful
management of projects.
The PMBOK® Guide provides guidelines for managing individual projects within an
organization. It defines project management and related concepts, describes the project
management life cycle, and outlines related processes.
This chapter defines several key terms and provides an overview of the PMBOK® Guide in
the following major sections:
Project Management Standard Purpose
What is a Project?
What is Project Management?
Relationship Between Project Management, Program Management, and Portfolio
Project Management in Operations Management
Role of the Project Manager
Project Management Body of Knowledge
Enterprise Environmental Factors
Project Management Standard Purpose
The increasing ess of project management indicates that the application of appropriate
knowledge, processes, skills, tools, and techniques can have an impact on the ess of projects.
To provide readers with a general overview of the project management discipline, the PMBOK®
Guide identifies that subset of the Project Management Body of Knowledge generally recognized
as good practice. “Generally recognized” means the knowledge and practices described are
applicable to most projects most of the time, and there is consensus about their value and
usefulness. “Good practice” means there is gene