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上传人:rdwiirh 2018/8/13 文件大小:453 KB





题目:An Exploration of Oral English Teaching at Middle School in Rural Areas of Qian dongnan
-----A Case Study of  the Third Ethnic Middle School in Congjiang County
An Exploration of Oral English Teaching at Middle School in Rural Areas of Qian dongnan
  -----A Case Study of  the Third Ethnic Middle School in Congjiang County

Abstract: The language is a tool munication, so cultivation of municative ability is the fundamental purpose of English teaching. China has more and more contracts with the other countries in the world since its entry into World anization. As mon language. English is thus playing a more and more important role in every aspect of China’s society, economy and life. Oral English is increasingly demanded. Nowadays, English teachers in middle schools are concerned about not only English language itself, but also develop the integrated petence of students which includes not only speaking, writing, reading, listening, but also attitudes, cultural awareness, students’ self-features. Speaking is on the top of other skills in learning language. Students’ English ability is mainly judged by their spoken English in real-life situations. The key point is that with how teachers improve the oral English of students , especially in less developed areas.
In rural junior middle schools English teachers teach itself only language with little or no attention to oral English teaching. Considering the current situation of English teaching in rural junior middle schools, the author of the paper believes that the key issues are to reform the teaching methods. English teachers should provide enough classroom time for their students to practice their English because the classroom is the main channel of teaching. This paper focuses mainly on the designing speaking activities which can encourage the students to open their mouths to speak English.
Key words: rural junior middle school; students; oral English ; teaching problem


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