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文档介绍:1 Introduction
Jane Austen is an earliest and most important woman novelist in English from the style of Walter Scott’s kept her eyes steadily upon the people and incident ahout her, and write about the small world she lived in.”She was the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middle-class people and of which there are many fine examples in later English fiction.”(Wu 123)”She pared her work to a fine engraving made upon a little piece of ivory only two inches square.”(Liu 371)Her masterpiece Pride and Prejudice is just one of this kind of novels.”It is very thin plot, but around it the authoress has woven vivid pictures of the everyday life of simple country society.”(Liu 372)English novels describe marriage and family in that society too much all different from mon novels ,it reflects the life of middle-class in capitalist society through the description of marriage problem.”The British Critic said that Pride and Prejudice was ‘far superior to almost all the publication of the kind which e before us.”(Lefory 107)The authoress Jane Austen describes four couple’s marriages mainly in attitudes towards marriage pletely different .Through the life of middle-class in the middle of 18th century, the four couples’ joys and sorrows affect me, especially Elizabeth and Darcy, Lydia and are more representative


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