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the soul of enterprise.docx

上传人:dongmengguoji 2018/8/15 文件大小:44 KB


the soul of enterprise.docx



文档介绍:The following is a highlighted summary of the book, The Soul of the Enterprise, by Robert Hall.. The
statements below are key points of the book as determined by James Altfeld and have been made
available at no charge to the user.
The Soul of the Enterprise
Robert Hall
Chapter 1: Catching a New Wave
“a New form of business must be more open than it is today”
“the public simply requires more disclosure. For example, they want to know the ingredients
of a can of food even when the terms are poorly understood. They want to see data
indicating the reliability or history of similar products. They want to know what is being
dumped in the ground, air, and water.”
“working to the standards of world-class quality requires employees to take a great deal of
responsibility and work closely together… word class performance begins w/ world-class
trust. Trust begins when the in-house secrets are extremely limited and managers stop being
bottlenecks of information flow.”
“when suppliers and customers are truly partners, they want to know a great deal about
products, services, and operations.”
“the definition of petitor needs refinement. petitor is not an enemy. A
competitor simply offers an alternative to the same customer using a different set of players
in a full birth-to-death cycle material use, and using a different improvement process.”
_ In Search of a New Soul
“jockeying for growth and profit, challenging as it may be, is no longer sufficient. The soul
of the new wave is growth in the quality of life.”
“the soul of an enterprise is a shared feeling that its objectives are worth sacrifice by those
who work in it and by the society it serves”
“when the railroads of the US stopped expanding and coasted along as a service business,
they eventually began to decline. The system did not know how to create excellence without
promises of growth. That defect in the system must be e.”
“perhaps it could be called the spirit of inquiry, a continuous quest to


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