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文档介绍:Placing & Confirming an Order 制作者:赵建伟
The anization can be for your reference in writing a letter declining an order:
Positive Opening - It is sensible to open the letter in a positive way in order to place the message in its munication context. For example,appreciation of or pleasure in receiving the order can be stated at the beginning of the letter.
explanations - When declining an order,detailed reasons should be provided in order to retain the reader's interest in the writer's products or services. In addition,in order to conclude a deal,the writer usually offers suitable substitutes,makes counter-offers and persuades the buyers to accept them.
Positive Close- End the letter in the way that makes the reader aware of the writer's expectation for future business relations with him.
Main points
1. Introduction
2. Samples
3. Words and expressions
Ⅰ.Definition of an order:
An order is a request for the supply of a specific quantity of goods. It may result from the buyers' acceptance or confirmation of a firm offer made by the sellers or result from the sellers' acceptance or confirmation of a counter-offer made by the buyers.
Ⅱ.An order should at least contain the following points:
of the goods,such as specification,size,quantity,quality and article number ( if any);
(unit prices as well as total prices);
of payment;
of packing;
of transportation,port of destination and time of shipment etc..
The following structure can be for your reference in placing an order:
direct language in the first paragraph to tell the seller of the buyer's intention to place an order.
what is being ordered in great detail. Indicate the catalog numbers,sizes,colors,prices,specifications and all other relevant information that will enable the seller to fulfill the order without any further questions.
the letter by expressing willingness to cooperate or suggesting future business


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