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文档介绍:Chinese Calligraphy
By Doggy
Calligraphy, native to China, is a traditional art with a long history and national characteristic features.
Foreword 前言
Introduction 简介
Calligraphy is known for its beautiful shape, rich emotion and artistic conception. It is often likened to a picture, a piece of music and poem. Its flowing strokes not remind us of the beauty of nature, but also express the beauty of human spirit.
Scripts 字体
With the time elapse, five major scripts, namely the Seal Character, Official Script, Regular Script, Running Script, and Cursive Script, have came into being and developed a lot.
The Seal Character 篆书
Has the longest history.
Written on oracle bones, ancient bronze objects or drum-shaped stone.
Current in the Zhou and Qin dynasty.
Has many strokes.
The Official Script 隶书
Famous for its squareness, smoothness and naturalness.
The character ing flatter, with the appearance of the turning stroke, left-falling stroke, right-falling stroke and so on.
The Regular Script 楷书
Both scientific and artistic.
The most universal script.
Influences generations upon generations of calligraphers.
Four Great Masters of the Regular Script 四大楷书名家
Ouyang Xun 欧阳询
Yan Zhenqing 颜真卿
Liu Gongquan 柳公权
Zhao Mengfu 赵孟頫