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GB 10830-1998标准(英文版).doc

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GB 10830-1998标准(英文版).doc

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GB 10830-1998标准(英文版).doc


With the rapid development of road transport in our country, the quality level of brake fluid for use on motor vehicles has also been remarkably improved resulting in the obsolescence of fluid of low quality, and therefore it is essential to abolishing standards for brake fluid product of low quality. This standard will partially modify GB 10830-89 according to the requirements of GB/T -1993 and based on the current demands for safe running of motor vehicles. To consolidate the titles of GB7258-97, Specifications for Safe Running of Motor Vehicles, and ISO 4925, Motor vehicles -Non-Petroleum Base Brake Fluids, Automotive Brake Fluid is changed to Brake Fluid for Motor vehicles, and this Standard is re-entitled Specifications Of Using Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid; the contents regarding grades JG0,JG1 and JG2 are deleted due to low resistance to vapor lock at high temperature, low flow at low temperature and unsatisfactory quality of such products; the test patibility with rubber requires to use samples pliance with GSBG 40001-1997, Standard Sample - EPT Brake Cup for Use on Automobiles, and with GSBG40002-1997, Standard Sample - SBR Brake Cup for Use on Automobiles; requirements for metal test plate for use in metallic corrosion test of brake fluid are more specific; procedures for test patibility with rubber and metallic corrosion test are separately handled in Appen