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木蝴蝶《中国药典》(Chinese Pharmacopoeia).doc

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木蝴蝶《中国药典》(Chinese Pharmacopoeia).doc

上传人:xinsheng2008 2018/8/22 文件大小:37 KB


木蝴蝶《中国药典》(Chinese Pharmacopoeia).doc



文档介绍:木蝴蝶《中国药典》(Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
Wooden Butterfly: Chinese Pharmacopoeia: Wooden Butterfly
[name] M connected H Di case
[source] this product is Bignoniaceae plant wood butterfly Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. dry mature seeds. Mature fruits are harvested in the two season of autumn and winter. The fruit is exposed to the fruit, and the seeds are dried.
[properties] this product is a butterfly, except base three large meagre extended into the wings. Length 5 ~ 8cm, width ~ . Surface yellow white, translucent wings, a silk like luster, with radial texture, edge rupture. The body is light and stripped of the testa, showing a thin layer of endosperm wrapped around the cotyledon. Cotyledons 2, butterfly shaped, yellow green or yellow, long, 1 - . Odorless, slightly bitter taste.
(1) the powder is yellow or yellow green. Wing cells long, fibrous, walled, wavy, thickened, 20~40 m in diam., endosperm cells polygonal, wall thickened with beads.
(2) take the product powder 2G, add ethanol 30ml, heat reflux for 15 minutes, filter, filtrate and boric acid to dissolve, filter, filtrate as test sample solution. In addition, baicalin was taken as the control substance and 1ml solution containing 1mg was added as the control substance. Thin-layer chromatography (Appendix VI B) test, draw the two solution 10 L, respectively in the same thin layer plate of silica gel G, n-butanol and acetic acid water (6::) as the agent, start out to dry. In the test sample chromatography, the spots of the same color are displayed at the corresponding position of the reference chromatogram.
[sexual taste] bitter, Gan, cool.
[meridian] in the lung, liver and stomach.
[action] Qingfei Liyan, liver and stomach. For lung heat cough, pharyngitis, hoarseness, liver and stomach pain.
[usage and dosage] ~ 3G.
[storage] ventilated dry place.
[excerpt] Chinese Pharmacopoeia
pilation of Chinese herbal medicine: Wooden Butterfly
[name] M connected H D