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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2018/8/22 文件大小:35 KB





例如: My View on modities (1997年12 月四级作文真题)
To most Chinese consumers buying modities means nothing but “unluck” that is hard to avoid. While many undergo such experience every now and then, few realize the need to rethink of it and battle against the falsehood of the fakes. There is disturbing, however, because the modities bring much morethan “unluck” to our society.
modities affect our life in many aspects. To begin with, they may turn out to be a threat to our lives, as is confirmed in the news that a couple’s dream of owning an electric bathing heater ended up by killing the husband. They also give rise to petition, which in turn throws many original businesses into mercial panic. And above all, they lead the whole society to seek dishonesty in making a fortune. Obviously, it is high time that the modities were eliminated from our life.
How to do away with them then? The first thing for the government to do is to root out the local protectionism in China. In the meanwhile, petition mustbe enforced by law upon all the businesses, in which light, if one business takes unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose peting business which treats its goods fairly. In short, only when our society as a whole can resist all temptation of modities will there be no more chance for them to trap any customers.