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文档介绍:Chapter 1 Developing Application Software

Chapter 1 Developing Application Software
Microcontroller Applications
In systems development with puters, the process to create
microcontroller software is very important. This software development
process is supported by tools such pilers, assemblers and other
language processors and debuggers, as shown in Figure 1.

System Design
Hardware Design Software Design ← Real-Time OS
Circuit Design Coding
pile ← Compiler, Assembler
Hardware Manufacture
Link/Locate ← Linkage editor
Hardware Debug
Software Debug ← Simulator
System Debug ← Source Level Debugger,
Real-Time Emulator

Figure 1 Development Process for Microcontroller Application Systems

A number of tools are required for the development process. This assembler
package supports the software part of the development process. It assembles
source programs to generate object programs in a format, if necessary,
which is appropriate for the debugger or can be written to ROM.
If there are coding errors or objects location errors, the assembler or linkage
editor outputs an error to the list file or console. Development engineers
repeat the coding, assembly and linking process until all errors are
Part 1 Introduction

Each Language Programming
Programming languages:
Programming languages can be classified into high-level languages, middle-
level languages and low-level languages.
High-level languages: C (C-Like), FORTRAN, Pascal
Middle-level languages: Structured assembly language
Low-level languages: Assembly language
Of these, Structured assembly language and assembly language are currently
supported for the T4X.
Characteristics of high-level languages:
High-level languages allow programs to be written in a style similar to
human language; which is essential for creating large-scale programs. Being
independent of the target hardware, progr


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