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文档介绍:Creating the Title
Functions of Titles
First, to identify the main topic or the message of the paper (反映论文主题)
Second, to attract readers(吸引读者)
Contents of Titles for Hypothesis –Testing Papers(假设验证型论文)
1. Stating the Topic in the Title (反映研究命题)
The standard title of a biomedical research paper is a phrase that identifies the topic of the paper, also called indicative title(描述性标题)
For a hypothesis-testing paper, the topic includes three pieces of information:
the independent variable(s)(自变量) that you manipulated, if any (X),
the dependent variable(s)(因变量) you observed or measured (Y),
and the animal or population and the material on which you did the work (Z).(研究对象)
Titles for papers that have both independent and dependent variables
the standard form of the title is Effect of X on Y in Z.
If the subject is animal , name it; if the subject is human being, either name it or omit; if necessary, also include the condition of animals or subjects.
mon words include: Effectiveness, Efficacy, Influence
Ex 2. Effects of environment in vivo and in vitro on the differentiation of bone mesenchymal stem cells into neural cells
Ex 13. Influence of different total parenteral nutrition support upon hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats
Influence of different total parenteral nutrition support upon hepatic regeneration in rats undergoing partial hepatectomy
Titles for papers that have only dependent variables
For hypothesis-testing studies that have only dependent variables, the standard form of the title is Y in Z.
Ex 8. Use of us aureus conjugate ine in patients undergoing hemodialysis
Ex 16 Prognostic importance of elevated jugular venous pressure and a third heart sound in patients with heart failure
2. Stating the Message in the Title( 反映研究答案)
Traditionally, the title of a biomedical research paper states the topic of the paper. But if the paper has a strong, unambiguous (明确的)message supported by strong, unequivocal (明确的) evidence, the


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