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上传人:swkmei 2018/8/27 文件大小:48 KB






外国语学院13德语胡凤宜 13337010
Love can be everything
Review of The NotebookThe book is a moving love story,more exactly,like a fairy tale.
With a worn notebook in his hand,an old man offered to read to an elderly lady about a story between two young lovers,Allie and is a pretty girl from a well-off family,but Noah is only a country boy,working as a carpenter and earning a ,they fell in love with each other at the first sight and spent a very sweet summer the disappr
oval of Allie’s family,they had to break been separated for 14 years,Allie was already seeing Noah’s photo in the newspaper,Allie decided to back to Seabrook to visit meeting him,Allie were aware that she was still additicted to Noah and their loveShe had to make a choice between Noah and her fiancé.Eventually,Allie chose Noah,her first it is revealed that Noah is the old man and that Allie is the elderly had developed dementia,Noah read to her ,just hoping that one day Allie could ,they died ,hugging together.
Love is everything and can be everything is what the book has taught me.
The story reminds me of my first love。Similar to Allie and Noah,we met each other in our seventeenth summer。He is tall and handsome。I am just mon girl,not very pretty,not having a great shape。But we fell in love,also at the first sight。Then,we ed closer:we went to school together,had lunch together,d


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