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推荐信英文-推荐信英文 英文推荐信.doc

上传人:jiqingyong11 2018/8/28 文件大小:52 KB


推荐信英文-推荐信英文 英文推荐信.doc



推荐信格式| 推荐信怎么写| 推荐信模板| 推荐信范文
Dear Sir or Madame,
It is with great pleasure that I write to mend Courtney Alexander to you. I have known Courtney for the pst two years and have had the pleasure of having her in my United States History class during her junior. In the class she ws one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final she earned high grade of 91, which should be A according to our grading system.
I also found her good at other studies. After classes, she had personal talks with me many times. She indicated a great interest in teching. During tht time I found her to be a bright, diligent, friendly youn woman. Besides, Courtney is not afraid of hard work, and is a team plyer. Her ability to work with her clssmates is a special quality that will benefit her as she moves on to the next level. Throughout the year, she worked cooperatively with those seated around her in reviewing notes, going over possible examination materials, and working through some of the more difficult her contributions to my class, the pro
missing young girl helped not only herself, but also others around her who were not progressing and improving as quickly as she could. Courtney Alexander is undoubtedly a student with the potential for great ess at the next level. In my opinion, C


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