Finding, formulating and exploring your topic. Different topic creations
Many students have in mind something that they want to work on; others want to work with a
particular scholar or research centre. In the first case, students search for patible supervisor.
In the second, for a topic. Regardless of these preliminary circumstances, the topic is very likely
only roughly formulated at this stage. This is usually enough to have your enrolment accepted.
Reading the literature
Once you have a general idea, you could start by talking to your supervisor and other scholars. But,
most importantly, you have to think why you would like to work on it, or why anyone would want
to do so. Ask yourself, "Why is it important? What is interesting about this? Suppose I solve it, or
find it, or pull it all together, what use is it? What is its significance?" Then, with some questions
such as these in mind, go and read more about it to see what is there and find out what aspects of it
have been exhausted, what neglected, what the main ideas, issues and controversies are in the area.
It is regarded as your supervisor's role to direct you to the most fruitful starting point in reading
and surveying the literature.
Cycle of literature review
All of this is not a once only activity, but is a cycle you go through again and again. So you read,
think, and discuss it with your supervi