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纺织品贸易游击战(Textile trade guerrilla warfare).doc

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纺织品贸易游击战(Textile trade guerrilla warfare).doc

上传人:marry201208 2018/8/29 文件大小:36 KB


纺织品贸易游击战(Textile trade guerrilla warfare).doc



文档介绍:纺织品贸易游击战(Textile trade guerrilla warfare)
Export or not? The general manager of Langfang Liu Xiaodong Minmei clothing pany, this is a problem.
The Hebei pany, which has nearly 200 employees and has annual sales of about 10 million, has pleted the formalities for foreign trade exports at the end of last year, but then the situation of China's textile and garment exports has plummeted.
Our foreign trade experience is not enough." The export situation of the unpredictable is clearly out of this pany expected, which makes Liu Xiaodong dare not rashly. And the domestic market situation has forced him to take a rainy day - - the panies that export frustration will immediately petition pressure to the domestic market. "We are the fashion production and business contraction", is the focus of pany to e more familiar with the clothing group minmei.
But not panies are so flexible". In Shenzhen, some textile and garment enterprises engaged in the export business are experiencing labor pains.
To live or die?
The tariff adjustment controls meager profits, but the bigger problem is that external restrictions increase the uncertainty of the export operations of enterprises. In the quota era, the orders received by the enterprises can guarantee shipment, but now that the order is taken, it is a problem whether the shipment can be carried out. Shenzhen clothing industry association preside