文档介绍:Terms of Medical ics
: plete DNA sequence, containing the entire ic information, of a gamete配子, an individual, a population种群, or a species.
Genomics基因组学: The field of ics concerned with structural and functional studies of the genome.
: Encoding编码 sequences, corresponding to the sequence of mRNA.
: Non-encoding sequences, corresponding对应的 RNA sequence will be removed from mRNA.
: One of the different forms of a gene pair. At each autosomal locus常染色体基因座 an individual possessed two alleles, one inherited from mum and one from dad.
Genotype基因型: of alleles that an individual possesses.
ic constitution遗传组成 of the individual;the characterization 特征记述of the . A genotype is the ic makeup of a person(祁鸣)
Phenotype表现型: physical characteristics of a cell anism as defined by its ic constitution基因组成2. The outward appearance of the individual. It is the product of interactions between genes, and between the genotype遗传型 and the . A phenotype is the physical manifestation of an inherited trait or disease(祁鸣)
Housekeeping gene管家基因: Genes which express mon to all cells, . Ribosomal核醣体的chromosomal染色体 and cytoskeletal proteins[生物]细胞骨架蛋白
Luxury gene奢侈基因(组织特异性基因): are those coding for specialized functions synthesized合成(usually) in large amounts in particular cell types.