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练****---疏理. 归类------分类练****--总结解题方法
Part 1: 热身练****br/> policeman made the young woman move her car. (改为被动语态)
The young woman___________________________ her car by the policeman.
2. John went to see his grandmother once a week. (对划线部分提问)
____________________John go to see his grandmother?
3. Jack doesn't know whether Mrs White ing, and Helen doesn't know, either. (改为同义句)
______Jack______ Helen knows ______ Mrs White ing.
King is very busy at work. He can't take a holiday. (改为同义句)
Mr King is____________________ take a holiday.
old lady found out where she could buy 6uit cheaply. (改为同义句)
The old lady found out____________________ fruit cheaply.
has been in this city for more than ten years. (改为同义句)
_______more than ten years______ Susan______ to this city.
Keys: 1. was made to move 2. How often did 3. Neither … nor … whether
4. too busy to 5. where to buy 6. It’s … since … came
Part 2:句型归类
I bought some oranges yesterday.
She does her homework at home in the evening.
She in the evening.
Ann had some rice and chicken for supper yesterday.
You’d better ask that policeman.
You’d .
They have already had supper.
They .
Both Wei Hua and Wei Fang can do it.
do it.
Keys: 1. didn’t buy any oranges yesterday 2. doesn’t do her homework
3. didn’t have any rice or chicken for supper yesterday
4. better not ask that policeman 5. haven’t had supper yet
6. Neither Wei Hua nor Wei Fang can
改否定句首先应判断谓语动词的形式,对于谓语动词含有have(has, had) do(does,did)时, 应区分是助动词还是实义动词;
She has breakfast at 7:30.
at 7:30?
I saw something strange over there.
over there.
The twins have got some blue hats.
blue hats?
Jim’s already finished his homework.
his homework?
Peter has to work till midnight.
till midnight?
Keys: 1. She doesn’t have breakfast (have 作为___________,表示“_______”)
2. I didn’t see anything strange
3. Have the twins g


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