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With the development of society,the has spread to every person we,we
e ail integral part of daily users in the virtual world to
◆ exchange information and speech,gradually formed a stream of new public opinion force affecting our economic and political life,even e the
important participant important events.
This paper on the basis of previous prehensive use munication,public opinion,social psychology discipline theory and method, Representative figures with program genre forward kelader。King four steps theory and public opinion in the form of public opinion scholar liu jianming three stages
theory as the theoretical basis,In work for the study of early hot issues material,The formation process work public opinion is divided into:latent stage,
● stage of formation and influence public opinion field phases and analyse each stage of
subj ect,content and form the formation of the public opinion
network:subject,object and carrier;researching the formation of the public opinion
network:the objective factors,subjective factors and technical factors.
Obtained the formation mechanism work public opinion the overall framework:the first to have an issue occurs,the issue must be the hot issues by the public,Can cause attention;BBS administrator screening via set-top,work pushs
the attention after planning issues,controversial,because the characteristics of
network itself and users of psychological factors make rapid warming issues,shape
opinion field;With the improvement of traditional media attention,and all elites have

flocked to join to the event for depth excavation and public opinion report,public
opinion,the subject further expand influence of real society,social decision。making or e forward,intervention of events,make public opinion subside,or event handling undeserved,reignite opinion until the opinion order to guide the healthy development and maintenance of public opinion of social ha


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