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Study on Performance appraisal of the Section—level cadres in Donghe District of Baotou
The performance appraisal of the party and government leading cadres in our country has been paid attention to for a long assessment of the performance of leading cadres i s the prerequisite for selecting good cadres and excellent team。To establish a scientific and reasonable performance appraisal system for leading cadres is an urgent need to deepen the reform of the personnel ’S propitious to thoroughly implement the New Regulations on the selection and appointment of leading cadres of the party and is helpful to guide leading cadres to set up correct view of achievements and to encourage and restrain leading cadres alsoi It plays atl important role in restricting management of cadres and constructing a high quality contingent of cadres.
Section—level cadres of district or county,the critical level directly to the grassroots level,living in the area of reform,development and stability and close to the masses of first-line,is the implementer and propagandist of the Party and the national ’S the important strength to support the affects the party’S ruling basis and the image of the government District,the old city of Baotou,is currently in the full implementation of the”1 3th Five—Year”development and the”543 1”development orientation,in order to improve the quality and efficiency of development as the center and while maintaining stability of the period.
Performance of section—level cadres directly affects the cadre troop overall quality
and vitality,but also determines whether the political construction,economic
construction,social construction,cultural construction,ecological construction and
Party construction of Donghe District can CO—ordinate and promote sustainable and
healthy development.
Based on this,firstly,prehensive analysis


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